UCLA Film & Television Archive Cataloging Procedure Manual--Voyager





Film and television: Create one holdings record for each copy of a work. For example, an 11 reel print would be given one holdings record. Or, as another example, a cyan pic neg element would be given one holdings record, as would the magenta pic neg element, and the yellow pic neg element, to make a total of three holdings records.

Radio: Ideally, we would create one holdings record for each copy of a radio program (episode), as well. Unfortunately, parts of one program may in fact be scattered in location. If inventory numbers are not consecutive, or cannot be expressed in terms of a range of numbers, and/or if locations of parts are different, do a separate holdings record for each. Indicate part number(s) in the 998 $c and 866 $z PART/ELEMENT: note subfields. (If, however, location is the same, and inventory numbers are consecutive, give the inventory number in range form, e.g. R20947-R20949, and just make one holdings record.)

Two reels or rolls in one can:

Current policy is not to inventory two different reels or rolls in one can as one item. Instead, these should be broken out and given two different inventory numbers, two different barcodes, and two different inventory records. If you receive a new inventory form that does not follow this policy, please return it to the appropriate archivist for correction. However, there are still many items in our collection that have been inventoried as one item despite the fact that there are actually two or more items in a single can. These will be broken out on a case by case basis, with the decision being made by Rosa Gaiarsa. Please notify her if you encounter any of these.

Title made up of two or more different sized items:

Archive policy is to give the same inventory number and barcode sequence (location) to a title made up of two or more different sized items; in order to be able to do this, the smaller part(s) should be housed in a can or case that is the same size as that needed for the larger part(s); please inform Rosa Gaiarsa if you encounter any of these that have been imcorrectly inventoried.


MARC 21 tag Definition and Voyager practice
001 Voyager record number. A bibliographic record can have the same number as a holdings record and an authority record. 001 fields do not appear in MARC 21 displays and cannot be edited; the number in the 001 appears in the blue line at the top of the record in the Cataloging Client, and also appears in OPAC displays at the bottom of the record.
014, 1st ind. 0, $9 Old TAOS holdings record number; numbers beginning with 05- were only assigned to holdings records in our private file
014, 1st ind. 1, $a Old TAOS linked bibliographic record number number; numbers beginning with 04- were only assigned to bibliographic records in our private file


Note that when you have suppressed every holding on a particular bibliographic record, you will have to suppress the bibliographic record as well. When you do so, add a 910 field, e.g. "Suppressed January 26, 2005, my."

Also, when you add an unsuppressed holding to a bibliographic record that is suppressed, you will have to unsuppress the bibliographic record.

Last modified: February 1, 2010, my