UCLA Film & Television Archive Cataloging Procedure Manual--Voyager





Throughout the record, change any square bracket that appears as a y with an umlaut back to a square bracket and change any improperly migrated diacritic (which usually appears as a square in the Cataloging Client). See 54.6, Editing diacritics and special characters for warnings about the editing of diacritics. If any fields are split, consolidate them. See 2.2.2, Split fields for instructions. Consolidate split records as they are encountered. See 2.2.1, Split records for instructions.


Add the correct codes for running time.


If you are cloning an existing record, delete all 035 fields in the record being cloned.


Move all 246 fields to the end of the record, after all 7XX fields but before 8XX fields.


Add a subfield code for each language code (e.g. change $aengfreger to $a eng $a fre $a ger).

Change all subfield b to subfield j.


Change all 440s to 490 second indicator 1 AND 830 first indicator 0.


Reorder the notes to the following order:

  1. 500 Nature or form
  2. 546 Language (other than 562)
  3. 500 Edition and history (other than 562)
  4. 500 Source of title proper
  5. 500 Variations in title
  6. 500 Parallel title and other title information
  7. 511 Cast
  8. 508 Credits
  9. 500 Notes about the statements of responsibility (cast and credits), e.g. source of credits.
  10. 500 Notes about the country of production
  11. 500 Notes about publication, distribution, etc.
  12. 518 Notes about the "capture session", e.g. record date, shooting on location (520 location notes and 590 record date notes may have to be edited to be 518 notes)
  13. 500 Notes about physical description, e.g. playing time on release
  14. 500 Notes about accompanying materials
  15. 500 Notes about series
  16. 502 Thesis note
  17. 510 Citation note
  18. 520 Summary note
  19. 505 Contents note (520 notes that list titles or shots may have to be edited to be 505 notes; change all first indicator blanks to first indicator 8's)
  20. 500 Censorship note
  21. 500 Numbers borne by the item
  22. 500 Copyright registration information
  23. 500 Rights note
  24. 500 Awards note
  25. 500 Other ratings designations note
  26. 501 On reel with note (as issued)
  27. 590 True local note, public (590 notes in existing records will have to be edited to become 500 notes; see below)
  28. 599 Programming and preservation notes
  29. 580 Linking note
  30. 773 In: note
  31. 939 Local nonpublic note


When record date notes are found in 500 notes, change the note to a 518 note.


When filmed on location notes are found in 520 notes, change the note to a 518 note.


Change 539 notes to 939 notes.


Change 542 notes to 500 notes.


Move all local 655 fields (655 $2 local) after all national standard 655 fields (655 second indicator 0, or 655 $2 mim).


Add a subfield $a in the 910 field to indicate that you revised the record (initials and date).


If you are cloning an existing bibliographic record, delete the 935 field that carried over from the cloned record.



If the acquisition code is blank, and the source code in 905 $c is 0992 or 0994, change to f; for other source codes, search printouts from the ORION1 Archive in cataloging supervisor's office (under TAOS holdings record number) to see what the code was set to originally; for example, code 'a' for assumed donation in ORION1 should be input in ORION2 as f instead of being left blank as it migrated

If necessary, change the completeness code to be 1 for complete and multipart, 2 for incomplete and multipart, and 4 for single part (complete or incomplete).


If you are cloning an existing bibliographic record, delete the 014 fields that carried over from the cloned record.


If necessary, delete the subfield label ('REPRODUCTION:') from the $n subfield.


If you are cloning an existing holdings record, delete any standard notes in this field; see Section 21, Holdings fields--845--Terms governing use and reproduction note for guidance.


If the holding has a MY number that is not used for location, make sure that it appears in the 852 $j, and that the non-MY number location is in the right place (barcodes in 876 $p, and on-reel-with barcodes and old location numbers in 866 $z last note and 916).


  1. Correct abbreviations to match those currently established in CPM 26.5, ARCHIVE ABBREVIATIONS LIST, e.g. change 'trk' to 'track,' 'non-anamorphic' to 'nonanamorphic,' 'widescreen' to 'wide-screen,' 're-recorded' to 'rerecorded,' and 'masterpos' to 'master pos.'

  2. Reorder 866 $z subfields to the correct sequence, if necessary:

    1. Part/element
    2. Notes [important notes such as 'in can with:' and 'title on can:']
    3. Additional physical description
    4. Notes [less important notes]
    5. Preservation
    6. Location

  3. If the holding has a MY number that is used for location (ARSC and Commercial Services only), and the MY number appears as the last $z note in 866, delete it from the 866 field. Do not do this for materials at the Preservation Vault at SRLF.

  4. If the holding has not yet been barcoded, type 'LOCATION:' in front of the old location number in the last $z note in the 866 field.

  5. When notes about placement on the reserve shelf are encountered on migrated records, edit them to add the term 'Formerly' and move them to the 866 $x subfield. Rosa indicates that such notes are useful for trouble-shooting in the case of missing items.

    EXAMPLE: $xFormerly on reserve shelf A3-154, Spring 1996.


Add a subfield $a in the 910 field to indicate that you revised the record (initials and date).


If MY number is in the 852 $h subfield and also in the 916 field, delete it from the 916 field.


If you are cloning an existing holdings record, delete the 935 field that carried over from the cloned record.



If you are cloning an existing bibliographic record, delete the 035 field that carried over from the cloned record.


  1. Change all second indicators to blank instead of 0 or 9.

  2. On local topical subject authority records, change 555 see also references to 550.


  1. Add a note in the 667 field to indicate that you revised the record (initials and date).

  2. Change all nonpublic notes to 667 fields except for true citations (which can stay in 670 fields).

  3. Change any public notes in 667 fields to 680 $i.


Change all $a subfields to $i subfields.


If you are cloning an existing bibliographic record, delete the 935 field that carried over from the cloned record.

Last modified: February 1, 2010, my